As a sector that is continuously growing and changing, aged care presents a challenge for business owners as they struggle to achieve a balance between quality of care and profitability. The unique aged care issues are all considered as i2 advisory assists businesses in making the best possible decisions. Aged care businesses are anticipated to continue growing, and i2 advisory can assist in capitalising off this growth while utilising the existing strengths of your business. In particular, i2 advisory have assisted in the project management of retirement villages in Adelaide which involved many facets of operations including land taxes and structuring the business.
Particular strengths of i2 advisory in this field include:
- Taxation advice including State Taxes, GST and income tax consequences applicable to the various models
- Strategic planning including analysis of different retirement village models
- Establishment & identification of financial and non-financial key performance indicators
- Strategic & business planning
- Business valuations
- Business structuring and restructuring
- Assistance with obtaining finance
- Advice in relation to the acquisition and sale of the business
- Asset protection advice
- Bookkeeping and payroll, including assistance with cloud accounting